
Renaud Ecalle in Extra 330SC ser nr 5

Mark Jefferies in Extra 300s and tail cam at British nationals 2008

Peter Besenyei in Extra 300L

2005, 2006 & 2007 British Aerobatic Champion – freestyle by Mark Jefferies

Exxon aerobatic film – in cockpit and ground to air with music and commentary.

TV clip from Denmark at air display, 3 spins on one line., inverted flat, knife edge then flat erect spin.

Video page of all the world championship Granada 2007 flights

Peter ‘ACE’ Podlunsek Extra 300L in Slovenia.

Red Bull air race in cockpit (Budapest) with FRANK VERSTEEGH (link)  fast and low!!(21 megs)

Jack Knutson Firebirds Delta team Extra 300s 

Klaus Schrodt at Burgos, Spain 2005 freestyle champion.

Klaus Schrodt in Extra 300s at Air Magdeburg 2004

Tim Weber with his Extra 300s in USA

Patty Wagstaff in the Extra 300s promo tape.

Patty Wagstaff 2003 New Cumberland Pennsylvania Airshow

Zoltan Veres in Al Ain

Zoltan Veres aerobatics extra 300s Tarantino’s film music

Zoltan Veres messing around low level

Sunrise Aviation Extra 300

Sunrise Aviation torque roll

Extra 300 mid wing spinning and tumbling around

Frank Versteegh Extra 300L airshow in spain

Royal Jordanian falcons 4 x Extra 300 mid wing